Step 6: Under the body, on the right, draw a long, sloping, vertical line as a guide for the first leg. At the bottom of the line, draw a small oval as a guide for Luigi's first shoe. To the left, draw another long, sloping, vertical line as a guide for the other leg. At the bottom, draw a long oval on its side as a guide for the other shoe.
That's it for the guides! For the next steps, use darker lines for a more defined drawing of Luigi from Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. video games.
Step 7: Inside the head, to the right of the vertical guide line, draw a small oval for the first eye. Place Luigi's eye on top of the horizontal guide line. Pay attention to the size of the eye in relation to the head. To the left, draw a half oval for the other eye. This eye will be behind the nose, so don't overlap the shape. Above the eyes, draw two thin, curved shapes with pointy sides for the eyebrows. The eyebrow on the left should be smaller than the one on the right. It should also be outside of the head a bit. The shapes of Luigi's eyebrows should be similar to a crescent moon on its side.
Step 8: Inside each eye, on the right side, draw a smaller oval for the irises. Inside each iris, draw an even smaller oval for the pupils. The shapes for the eye on the left should not overlap the nose. Shade Luigi's pupils except for a tiny circle at the top of each for highlights.
Step 9: Darken the C-shaped line on the left side of the head to create the nose of this Nintendo video game character. Make the ends of the line a bit longer. Darken the curved shape on the right for Luigi's ear. Draw a couple of short, curved lines inside the ear for the inner structure.