
How to Draw Tom Nook Animal Crossing Nintendo 15

Step 15: Draw a curved, vertical line along the left edge of the body circle for the side of the shirt. Near the bottom of the initial body circle, draw a long, curved, horizontal line for the bottom of Tom Nook's shirt. Draw a vertical, curved line close to the left side of the body for the shirt's opening.

How to Draw Tom Nook Animal Crossing Nintendo 16

Step 16: On the top, right side of Tom Nook's body, draw a small square for the shirt pocket. Inside the square, draw a small circle for the first part of the icon. Inside the circle, draw a small leaf with a semi-circle cut out of the side to finish the icon. Draw three tiny circles along the right side of the shirt's opening for the buttons.

How to Draw Tom Nook Animal Crossing Nintendo 17

Step 17: Darken the curved line on the left for Tom Nook's arm and add a couple of shorter lines near the top for the shirtsleeve.

How to Draw Tom Nook Animal Crossing Nintendo 18

Step 18: Darken the angled lines under the shirt to create Tom Nook's shorts. Draw a short line on the top, right side for a pocket and longer lines at the bottom for the cuffs.

How to Draw Tom Nook Animal Crossing Nintendo 19

Step 19: Use curved lines to draw the shape of Tom Nook's feet around the small vertical guides at the bottom. Don't make the shapes too thick. Make the bottom parts flat and curve the left sides for the tips of the feet. On the right side of the shorts, draw a curved line for the visible part of this Animal Crossing character's tail.

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