
How to Draw Count Dracula Hotel Transylvania 10

Step 10: Under the nose, draw a big, curved shape for this Hotel Transylvania character's open mouth. The tip of the nose will partly overlap the mouth. Dracula's mouth should be similar to the letter D on its side. Sketch lightly at first and only darken the lines when you get the shape right.

How to Draw Count Dracula Hotel Transylvania 11

Step 11: Inside the mouth, at the top, draw a line with tiny spikes on the sides for the row of teeth and vampire fangs. Below Dracula's teeth, draw a curved line for the tongue. Add some smile lines on the outer corners of the mouth.

How to Draw Count Dracula Hotel Transylvania 12

Step 12: Darken the curved line on the left but make it pointier for the ear. Add a line inside for structure. Draw a line that starts at the ear and then curves up and to the right over the eyebrows for the hairline. Use a similar curved line above that for the top part of Drac's hair. Use the first circle as a guide.

How to Draw Count Dracula Hotel Transylvania 13

Step 13: Darken the sides of the initial guides to create the rest of Dracula's head. Curve the line near the eye inward for the brow and cheek. Darken the bottom line for the chin and jaw. Darken the lines under the head for the neck.

How to Draw Count Dracula Hotel Transylvania 14

Step 14: On the left side of the vampire's neck, draw a line that curves upward for the first part of the cape's collar. Draw another curved line at the bottom to create a pointy, triangular shape for the left side of the collar. On the right side, draw a similar pointy, triangular shape for the other side of the collar. Draw a couple of curved lines at the bottom to show where Dracula's collar comes together.

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