
How to Draw Craig of the Creek Williams 10

Step 10: Inside the eyes, draw two smaller ovals and shade them for Craig's pupils. The pupil on the left should be near the middle of the eye and the pupil on the right should be close to the left edge. Above the eyes, draw two small lines for the eyebrows.

How to Draw Craig of the Creek Williams 11

Step 11: Below the nose, draw a thin, long shape similar to a sausage for Craig's mouth. The right edge of the mouth should touch the edge of the initial circle for the head. Inside the mouth, draw four short, vertical lines for the teeth. Above and below the mouth, draw a couple of short curved lines for the lips.

How to Draw Craig of the Creek Williams 12

Step 12: To the left of the head, draw a big C shaped line for Craig's ear. Pay attention to the placement of the ear. Use the initial lines inside the head as guides.

How to Draw Craig of the Creek Williams 13

Step 13: To the right of the big circle, draw a long, vertical line for the side of Craig's head. Below that line, draw a line that stretches to the right then curves back down and back inward to the bottom of the initial circle for the cheek.

How to Draw Craig of the Creek Williams 14

Step 14: Above the ear, draw a line that curves toward the top of the head for the first part of Craig's head. Follow the path of the initial circle but make the line longer for the rest of the head. Inside the head, above the eyebrows, draw a curved, horizontal line for the hairline. Bend this line down toward the ear on the left side.

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