
How to Draw Road Runner Looney Tunes 6

Step 6: Below the guides for the body, draw a long, vertical line as a guide for the Road Runner's legs. Bend the line a bit at the top. At the bottom draw two lines that angle outward as guides for the feet. The Road Runner is tall so make the vertical line long.

How to Draw Road Runner Looney Tunes 7

Step 7: On top of the body, draw a curved vertical line that angles to the right at the top as a guide for the Road Runner's tail. This line should surpass the head before curving to the right.

How to Draw Road Runner Looney Tunes Guides Lines

That's it for the guides! For the next steps, use darker lines for a more defined drawing.

How to Draw Road Runner Looney Tunes 8

Step 8: Starting inside the head, where the construction guides meet, draw a line that curves to the left for the top part of the Road Runner's beak. This line should angle upward once outside of the circle for the head. Below that, draw a longer curved line for the bottom edge of the top beak. The right tip of the bottom edge should end above the horizontal construction guide inside the head.

How to Draw Road Runner Looney Tunes 9

Step 9: Sitting on top of the horizontal construction guide, draw two long ovals for the Road Runner's eyes. The eyes should be on either side of the vertical construction guide.

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