
How to Draw Starfire Teen Titans Go Full Body 10

Step 10: Along the top edge of the main circle, draw a small, angled line for the hair bangs or fringe. The shape of this line should be similar to an angled letter M. Make the right side of this line slightly smaller. The line should wrap around Starfire's eyebrows. Above that, draw a bigger angled line for the top part of the bangs or fringe. Make the top of the bangs thick. Add some lines at the bottom for extra detail on this Teen Titans Go character's hair. On the left side of the head, draw a line that extends down to the arm for the first part of the side of the hair. On the left side, draw an angled line to complete the clump of hair on the side. Make the top part thinner than the bottom.

How to Draw Starfire Teen Titans Go Full Body 11

Step 11: Use the main circle as a guide to draw the shape of Starfire's head. Darken the edges of the circle but make the shape more angular, especially at the bottom for the chin. On the left side of the clump of hair, draw a small C-shaped line for the ear. Below the head, draw a small angular shape for the neck portion of this cartoon character's costume. This small neck piece should have six sides. The shape should be similar to a hexagon.

How to Draw Starfire Teen Titans Go Full Body 12

Step 12: Darken the line on the top, left side of the body for Starfire's first arm. At the bottom, on top of the small circle, draw a long, hexagonal shape for the wrist section of the costume. Make the arm thicker at the top. Inside the wrist section, draw a line and a small oval for detail. Darken the circle at the bottom for the fist. Draw a few lines on the right for the folded fingers.

How to Draw Starfire Teen Titans Go Full Body 13

Step 13: Use the triangular shapes in the middle as guides to draw the torso of this Teen Titans Go character. Simply darken the outer edges of the guides to create the hourglass shape of Starfire's body. Make the bottom edge of the shape wavier than the guide for the flowy skirt. Draw a line near the neck piece for her top. Near the middle of the torso, draw the belt. The belt is a small oval with a couple of lines on each side. In the neck piece, draw a diamond with some lines for detail.

How to Draw Starfire Teen Titans Go Full Body 14

Step 14: Darken the line on the right for Starfire's other arm. Add a second line to make the shape thicker. Near the bottom, draw an angled shape for the wrist piece of the costume. This shape should have six sides, and it should be similar to a long hexagon. Draw a small oval and a line inside the wrist piece for extra detail on the costume of this Teen Titans Go character. Darken the circle at the bottom for the fist and draw a couple of short lines on the left side for the folded fingers.

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