How to Draw Pearl Krabs from SpongeBob SquarePants VIDEO & Step-by-Step Pictures
Use the video and step-by-step drawing instructions below to learn how to draw Pearl Krabs from SpongeBob SquarePants. Stay tooned for more tutorials!
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All of the free art lessons on are good drawing tutorials for beginners and experienced artists alike. The online tutorials are easy to follow; they teach you the how to draw basics while showing you how to draw fun cartoon characters step by step. Each cartoon character has a video drawing tutorial option, as well as step-by-step photos and written text to follow.
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To draw Pearl Krabs step by step, follow along with the video tutorial below and pause the video after each step to go at your own pace. You may find it easier to follow the step-by-step drawings below. The new lines in each step are shown in red, and each step is explained in the text below the photo, so you'll know exactly what to draw in each step. You may want to open the video in a new tab and use both drawing methods! Take your time and draw at your own pace.
The written step-by-step video tutorial:
Intro: Start off with a pencil sketch. In the beginning stages, don’t press down too hard. Use light, smooth strokes for sketching.
Step 1: Start by drawing a big square near the top of the paper as a guide for the front of Pearl's head. First draw two long, vertical lines for the sides of the square. Make the right side shorter. Sketch lightly at first so that it's easy to erase if you make a mistake. Close off the shape by drawing horizontal lines at the top and bottom. The horizontal lines should slope toward the middle on the right.
Step 2: On the sides of the square, draw two long, sloping lines as a guide for the sides of this SpongeBob SquarePants character's head. The length of these lines should be about the width of the previous square. The sloping lines should be close to each other on the left side. Close off the shape with a short, vertical line.
Step 3: Under the left side of the head, draw two long, vertical lines as guides for Pearl's body. The lines should be far apart at the top and close together at the bottom. Close the bottom with a curved line. The height of the body should be about the same size as the width of this cartoon character's head.
Step 4: On the right side of the body, draw a line that angles up as a guide for the first arm. On the left side, draw a line that's similar to a less-than sign (<) as a guide for Pearl's other arm. Below the body, draw two short, angled lines as guides for the legs. Bend these lines in the middle to indicate the knee joints and at the bottom for the feet.
That's it for the guides! For the next steps, use darker lines for a more defined drawing of Pearl from SpongeBob SquarePants.
Step 5: Inside the head, on the left side, lightly sketch a small circle for Pearl's eye. When you get the size and placement of the eye right, darken the shape. Inside the eye, draw an even smaller circle for the pupil. Draw three short lines on the top and bottom of the eye for the eyelashes of this whale from SpongeBob SquarePants.
Step 6: Draw the hair on the top, left corner of the head using a series of curved lines. Start by drawing a wide, curved line on the top edge of the corner of the head. Draw a series of short, U-shaped lines on the inner corner of the head. The U shapes should get smaller the higher up they are. These lines should be very close to Pearl's eye. Close off the shape with a curved line that goes around the outer corner of the head. On the side of the previous line, draw a tiny curved line for the hair tie. Starting on the hair tie, draw a long, S-shaped line for the first part of Pearl's ponytail. Draw another S-shaped line at the bottom to complete the ponytail. Add some lines on the base for detail.
Step 7: Use the initial shapes at the top as guides to draw the rest of this SpongeBob SquarePants character's head. Simply darken the outer edges of the guides to create the shape of the head. As you darken the guides, make the lines rounder, especially at the corners. Curve the bottom, left edge up toward the eye for the mouth. Add a line at the end for a smile line. On the top, right side of Pearl's head, draw a wide, curved line for the blowhole nose. On the bottom, right edge, draw two short, curved lines for the lipstick. The shape of the lipstick should be similar to the top of a heart.
Step 8: Inside the body, under the smile, draw a big, wide, U-shaped line for Pearl's open mouth. The top part of the mouth should be wider than the bottom. At the top, draw a horizontal line for the row of teeth. Inside the shape at the top, draw three short lines to separate the teeth.
Step 9: Darken the sides of the initial guides to create the bottom half of this SpongeBob SquarePants character's head. Below the mouth, about where the arms are, draw a curved line for the bottom of the head and top of the shirt. Under the mouth, draw a wide, curved line for the lower lip. Inside the mouth, draw Pearl's tongue using a series of short, curved lines. Below the mouth, draw four vertical lines for the ridges on the chest.
Step 10: Use the angled line on the left side of the body as a guide to draw this whale's first arm. Follow the path of the guide and draw the shape of Pearl's arm around it. Keep the shape of the arm skinny and make the bottom tip round. Around the top of the arm, draw a small circle for the shirt's puffy sleeve. Sketch lightly at first so that you get the size and shape of the sleeve right.
Step 11: Draw a curved line near the bottom of the body and darken the sides for the rest of Pearl's shirt. Inside the shirt, near the right, lightly sketch a bold letter P. When you get the shape of the letter right, darken the lines. The small shape inside the letter P should be similar to the letter D.
Step 12: On the right side of the body, at the base of the arm, draw a half-circle for Pearl's other puffy sleeve. Darken the guide on the right to create the bottom edge of the arm. Draw an angled line on top to make the arm thicker. Make the tip round and add a tiny curved line at the top for this SpongeBob SquarePants character's thumb.
Step 13: Use the bottom edge of the initial shape for Pearl's body as a guide to draw the skirt. Draw a series of short, U-shaped lines along the edge of the guide to create the frilly skirt. Tilt the U-shaped lines so that the frills on the sides are sideways. Don't make the frills too big. It's okay it the shapes overlap the guides for Pearl's legs a bit.
Step 14: Use the angled line on the lower, left side of the body as a guide to draw the first leg of this SpongeBob SquarePants character. Make the bottom half of the shape wider for the boot. Make the tip of Pearl's boot round. Add an angled line on the lower, left side of the heel.
Step 15: Use the angled line on the right as a guide to draw Pearl's other leg the same way. Make the shape of the leg thicker along the guide. Make the bottom half wider for the boot. Just like before, make the tip of the boot round and add an angled line on the lower, left side of the heel.
Step 16: Go over the final sketch lines with a pen, marker or any other type of permanent ink. Take your time and be careful when you ink your drawing to avoid any accidents. After the ink dries, get rid of every pencil mark with an eraser for a cleaner drawing of Pearl the whale from SpongeBob SquarePants.
Final Step: Color your drawing using colored pencils, markers or crayons! Use yellow for Pearl's hair. Use blue for the eye and red for the lipstick. Color the body gray but use light gray for the section below the mouth. Vary the pressure on your color pencil to get dark gray and light gray. Color the boots light gray. Color the inside of the mouth dark red. Use pink for the tongue and the shirt. Use dark red for the letter P and the skirt. Don't forget to pause the video to draw at your own pace.
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