
How to Draw Umbreon Pokemon Guides Lines

That's it for the guides! For the next steps, use darker lines for a more defined drawing of Umbreon from Pokemon.

How to Draw Umbreon Pokemon 6

Step 6: Inside the head, sitting on top of the horizontal guide, draw a shape that's similar to a half circle for Umbreon's eye. This shape should be big in relation to the head. Place the eye close to the left edge of the initial circle.

How to Draw Umbreon Pokemon 7

Step 7: Inside the eye, on the top, right side, draw a tiny circle for a highlight. Near the middle of the eye, draw a big oval for Umbreon's pupil. Shade in the pupil but don't overlap the shape of the highlight circle.

How to Draw Umbreon Pokemon 8

Step 8: Use the lines on top of the head as guides to draw Umbreon's ears. Lightly sketch the shape of the ear around the guide on the left. Make the bottom part narrow, the middle wide and the top thin and pointy. When you get the shape right, darken the line. Do the same thing for the ear on the right. Lightly sketch the shape of the ear around the guide. Make the middle section wide and the top and bottom narrow. When you get the shape right, darken the line.

How to Draw Umbreon Pokemon 9

Step 9: Darken the outer edges of the initial guides to create the shape of Umbreon's head. Don't overlap the ear on the right as you draw the head.

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