Step 6: On the top, left side of the body, draw an angled line similar to the letter V as a guide for this Nintendo character's first arm. At the end of the line, draw a small circle as a guide for the hand. On the right side, draw a long, sloping line with a small circle at the end of it as a guide for Peach's other arm and hand.
That's it for the guides! For the next steps, use darker lines for a more defined drawing.
Step 7: Inside the head, on top of the horizontal guide line, draw two small arcs for the eyes. Use the initial vertical line to help you space out Princess Peach's eyes. Sketch lightly at first to get the shapes right. The eye on the left should be a bit smaller. When you get the shapes right, darken the lines. Make the lines thick. Close off the shapes at the bottom with a vertical line. Pay attention to the size of the eyes in relation to the head. Princess Peach has big eyes. On the top part of each eye, draw a series of tiny lines for the eyelashes. Draw fewer eyelashes on the eye on the left and make them a bit smaller too.
Step 8: Draw a small oval inside each eye for the irises. Place the irises close to the right edge of each eye. The iris on the left should be a bit smaller. Draw a small oval inside each iris and shade it in for the pupils. Inside each iris, draw a tiny circle for highlights. Above each eye, draw a tiny line for Princess Peach's eyebrows.
Step 9: Below the eyes, draw a small, angled line that's similar to a less-than sign (<) for the nose. Place Peach's nose closer to the eye on the left. Use the initial lines as guides for placement and size. Below the nose, draw a small line for the mouth. Add a curved line above and below the mouth for the lips. Place the mouth below the edge of the initial circle. The lips should be big compared to the nose.