
How to Draw Pearl Steven Universe Full Body 10

Step 10: To the right of the head, draw an angled line as a guide for the rest of Pearl's hair. This line should be similar to a greater-than sign (>). Pay attention to how far to the right this line goes. On the tip of the shape, split the line to emphasize the hair clump.

How to Draw Pearl Steven Universe Full Body 11

Step 11: Draw a small circle inside each eye for Pearl's pupils. Under the nose, draw a small, curved shape for the mouth. Inside the mouth, draw three short lines for the teeth. On the left side of the head, draw two short, spike-like shapes for the other side of the hair.

How to Draw Pearl Steven Universe Full Body 12

Step 12: Use the angled line on the right side of the torso as a guide to draw Pearl's first arm. Darken the guide at the top to create the top edge of the arm. Then make the shape thicker with a parallel line. Draw the bottom of the arm around the path of the guide. At the bottom draw the hand inside the pentagon. On the left side, draw a series of short strokes for the fingers.

How to Draw Pearl Steven Universe Full Body 13

Step 13: Use the guide on the left as a guide to draw Pearl's other arm the same way. Darken the top of the guide and then draw the shape of the rest of the arm around the guide. Draw the hand inside the diamond shape at the bottom. Draw a series of short lines along the lower edge for the fingers.

How to Draw Pearl Steven Universe Full Body 14

Step 14: Use the rectangle in the middle as a guide to draw Pearl's torso. Darken the sides of the guide but make the lines curve in more. Near the shoulders, draw two curved lines for the shirt. Add a shorter line on the neck. Between the hands, draw two curved lines for the bottom of the shirt.

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