
How to Draw Cute Cartoon Owl Chibi 6

Step 6: Draw the owl's first "horn" using a series of short strokes at the end of the sloping line on the left. Make the sloping line a bit longer. Then at the tip, using short strokes, draw a shape that's similar to an upside- down letter V.

How to Draw Cute Cartoon Owl Chibi 7

Step 7: Draw a similar shape on the top, right side for the owl's second "horn."

How to Draw Cute Cartoon Owl Chibi 8

Step 8: Add the owl's head by first drawing a long line that connects the two "horns" together. Below each "horn," draw a curved line for the sides of the head. Use short strokes to draw the sides for a feathery texture. The sides should follow the curve of the eyes. The bottom tips of the lines should curve in toward the owl's beak.

How to Draw Cute Cartoon Owl Chibi 9

Step 9: Under the head, on either side, draw a long , vertical line for the owl's folded wings. Make the lines equal length. Don't draw them too long.

How to Draw Cute Cartoon Owl Chibi 10

Step 10: Below the head, in the inner section of the wings, draw a few short strokes for the chest. Below the chest , draw a couple of short, curved, vertical lines for the sides of the body. Draw a long, curved, horizontal line at the bottom that connects the sides to finish the owl's body.

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