
How to Draw Cricket Green Big City Greens 6

Step 6: Under the body, on the right side, draw a short, vertical line as a guide for Cricket's first leg. At the bottom, draw an oval on its side as a guide for the first foot.

How to Draw Cricket Green Big City Greens 7

Step 7: To the left, draw another vertical line with a slightly smaller oval as a guide for this Big City Greens character's other leg.

How to Draw Cricket Green Big City Greens Guides Lines

That's it for the guides! For the next steps, use darker lines for a more defined drawing.

How to Draw Cricket Green Big City Greens 8

Step 8: Inside the head, in the top, right quadrant, draw a big circle for Cricket's first eye. Use the initial construction lines as guide to draw the circle. The circle's left and bottom edge should touch these lines. Cricket has big eyes, so make this circle big. It should take up a lot of the quadrant's space.

How to Draw Cricket Green Big City Greens 9

Step 9: To the left, draw another big circle for Cricket Green's other eye. The right edge of this circle should touch the edge of the head, and the bottom should touch the construction line. The right edge of this circle should be hidden behind the first eye.

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