Step 20: Darken the shape below Omega's shoulder but make the bottom edge angle inward more. Draw two parallel line near the left edge for the glowing strip.
Step 21: Use the shapes under the bicep as guides to draw Omega's forearm. Draw a small oval-like shape on the top, right side of the forearm. Darken the outer edges of the initial guides to create the shape of the forearm and wrist. Add a few angled lines inside the shape along with a small circle at the bottom as detail for the armor.
Step 22: Use the circle at the bottom as a guide to draw the fist. Darken the edge of the initial circle but make the bottom part wavier for the knuckles. Add a curved line at the top for the glove's design and a couple of lines on the left side for Omega's folded fingers.
Step 23: Draw an angled line that connects the armor at the top and forms the top edge of the chest plate. In the space between the head and the chest plate, draw a few short lines for the neck muscles. Now add a couple more angles lines across the chest for the bottom edge of the chest plate. Draw a couple of small squares near the top of Omega's chest plate for more of the armor's glowing parts.
Step 24: Use the shapes under the chest plate as guides to draw Omega's torso. Darken the outer edges of the initial guides to create the shape of the torso. Make the bottom part narrower. Add a couple of small circles near the bottom edge of the torso for more of the armor's glowing sections.