
How to Draw Zero Ghost Dog Nightmare Before Christmas 10

Step 10: Darken the curved, triangular guide at the bottom for this Nightmare Before Christmas character's lower jaw. Draw a long, curved line within the shape for the inside of Zero's open mouth.

How to Draw Zero Ghost Dog Nightmare Before Christmas 11

Step 11: Draw a short, curved line over each eye for the brow. Use the initial circle as a guide to draw the rest of Zero's head. Darken the circle but don't overlap the muzzle on the left. Make the bottom edge a bit flatter.

How to Draw Zero Ghost Dog Nightmare Before Christmas 12

Step 12: Darken the wavy line on the right side of Zero's head for the first part of the ear. Overlap the lines on the right side of the "hills" so that it resembles folds on cloth. Draw another wavy line at the bottom to make the shape of the ear thicker. Make the right tip pointy.

How to Draw Zero Ghost Dog Nightmare Before Christmas 13

Step 13: Draw a couple of curved lines on top of the ear for the visible part of Zero's ear on the other side. Use the first ear as a template. Draw the pointy tip of the ear on the right side.

How to Draw Zero Ghost Dog Nightmare Before Christmas 14

Step 14: Draw a curved line under the head for the collar on Jack Skellington's ghost dog. Use the big triangle as a guide to draw Zero's body. Follow the lower edge of the guide and make the lines curvier for folds on the cloth body. Draw a few sloping, vertical lines within the shape for more emphasis on the flowing cloth. Continue to draw curved lines along the bottom edge of the initial shape for the folds on the cloth. Add fewer folds and make the line less wavy on the right side.

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