

Draw Mini Chibi Little Mermaid Ariel 11

Step 11: Draw mini Ariel's hand and fingers on the left side of the arm using a series of short lines. Draw only three fingers and a thumb and make them small. They should look like less-than signs (<). The thumb should be at the bottom and resemble the letter V. Pause the video to get the shapes right.


Draw Mini Chibi Little Mermaid Ariel 12

Step 12: To the right of the arm, draw two short horizontal lines and a longer vertical line for the left side of mini Ariel's bra. Then draw two curved lines on the right that come to a point to form the first part of the triangle-like bra.


Draw Mini Chibi Little Mermaid Ariel 13

Step 13: Using three curved lines, draw the other triangle-like shape on the right to finish Ariel's bra.


Draw Mini Chibi Little Mermaid Ariel 14

Step 14: On the lower, right side of the head, draw two curved diagonal lines for mini Ariel's other arm.


Draw Mini Chibi Little Mermaid Ariel 15

Step 15: Draw this hand the same as the other one, only draw the thumb on top this time. Ariel's thumb should be similar to an upside- down letter V. Draw the fingers small. The fingers should be similar to greater- than signs (>).

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