

Draw Super Mario Bros. Nintendo 25

Step 25: Follow the edge of the initial circle as you draw a wavy line at the top to create the knuckles. Continue following the path of the circle and add the opening of Mario's glove at the bottom. Use a couple of curved lines to draw the left side of the palm and the crease inside. Darken the guide lines below the hand to create the shape of the arm.


Draw Super Mario Bros. Nintendo 26

Step 26: Draw the overalls' suspenders under Mario's head using a few lines and circles. First draw a line that goes from the shoulder on the left to the guide for the leg. Then draw a small circle above the guide for the leg as the fastener. Add another line on the left for the other side of the suspender.

Draw the same shape on the upper, right side of the body for Mario's other suspender. The shape of the suspender is similar to a very long letter U that's tilted to the left. Draw a small circle at the bottom of the shape for the suspender's fastener.


Draw Super Mario Bros. Nintendo 27

Step 27: Use the shapes on the lower, left side of the body as guides to draw the first leg. Darken the arc to create the shape of Mario's knee and leg. Darken the top half of the circle to create the pants cuff and front of the shoe. Draw two curved, parallel lines across the circle to create the bottom edge of the shoe. Darken the bottom half of the initial circle but make the shape thinner to complete the shoe's sole.


Draw Super Mario Bros. Nintendo 28

Step 28: Use the initial circle as a guide to draw the shape of the body. Follow the edge of the initial circle and darken the line to create Mario's belly. Draw a curved line in between the supenders to create the top of the overalls.


Draw Super Mario Bros. Nintendo 29

Step 29: Darken the long line under the body, on the right side, to create the shape of Mario's leg. Add a curved line at the bottom for the pants cuff. Use the small circle as a guide to draw the other shoe but make the shape a bit thinner.

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