

How to Draw Raven Full Body Fortnite Battle Royale 11

Step 11: On the left side, draw a big U-shaped line as a guide for the top part of the second leg. Under the U- shaped line, draw a small circular shape as a guide for Raven's knee.


How to Draw Raven Full Body Fortnite Battle Royale 12

Step 12: Under the knee, draw a circular shape as a guide for the calf section of the leg. Under the calf muscle, draw two short, vertical lines for the lower shin section of Raven's leg. At the bottom, draw a triangle- like shape as a guide for the foot pointing to the left.


How to Draw Raven Full Body Fortnite Battle Royale Guide Lines

That's it for the guides! For the next steps, use darker lines for a more defined drawing.




How to Draw Raven Full Body Fortnite Battle Royale 13

Step 13: For this Fortnite character's eyes, lightly sketch two small ovals inside the head.. When you get the size and position of the eyes right, darken the lines. Use the initial construction lines as guides to help you with the placement and size of Raven's eyes.


How to Draw Raven Full Body Fortnite Battle Royale 14

Step 14: Use a series of curved lines around Raven's eyes for the hood opening. Above the eyes, draw a line similar to an upside- down letter V. On the right side, continue drawing the line downward. Then curve the line left under the head. Then finally add the left side of the hood opening as an angled line.

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