

How to Draw Omega Skin Fortnite Battle Royale 15

Step 15: Use the initial circle as a guide to draw the top part of the face mask. First draw a short, vertical line on either side of the visor. Then at the top, draw a couple of horn-like shapes using a few angled lines. Now connect the "horns" in the middle using a few more angled lines. Now make the outer edges of the "horns" longer so that they stretch in toward Omega's visor.


How to Draw Omega Skin Fortnite Battle Royale 16

Step 16: Use the initial U-shaped line as a guide to draw the lower part of Omega's face mask. Draw a couple of angled lines under the visor to create sort of cheekbones. Then darken the bottom edge and make it angled. Draw a line across the middle along the path of the vertical construction line.

How to Draw Omega Skin Fortnite Battle Royale 17

Step 17: Use the remaining lines as guides to draw the rest of the head. First draw a small circle on either side of Omega's face mask. On the left side, draw an angled line from the small circle to the top of the face mask. Draw another angled line on the right to create the other side of the helmet. Add an angled line at the top of each of the small circle for extra detail on the helmet. Darken the line between the "horns" using angled lines to finish Omega's helmet.

How to Draw Omega Skin Fortnite Battle Royale 18

Step 18: On the lower, left side of the head, draw a couple of angled lines for Omega's armor. The angled line overlaps the top part of the torso, then curves back up toward the helmet. The line on the right also overlaps a bit of the torso but is much wider. At the top, draw an angled line from the helmet to the shoulder to complete that part of the armor.


How to Draw Omega Skin Fortnite Battle Royale 19

Step 19: Draw a small circle on the bottom edge of the guide for the shoulder on the right. Now darken the edges of the circle to create the shape of Omega's shoulder pad. Make the bottom pointier and the left edge of the shoulder pad wider. Inside the shape, near the left side, draw two curved, parallel lines for the glowing strip.

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