

How to Draw Rigby Step 21

Step 21: For a more finished, inked look, carefully draw over the final sketch lines with a pen or marker. Wait for any ink to dry, and then erase your pencil marks. You now have a finished inked drawing of Rigby! You can stop here or go to the final step to complete your Rigby drawing in its entirety.


How to Draw Rigby Final Step

Final Step: For a completely finished Rigby drawing, you have to color it. You can use anything you want: markers, color pencils or even crayons! Color the main part of Rigby's body brown. His chest and stomach are light brown. The stripes on his tail and circles around his eyes are dark brown. The inside of his mouth is dark red, his tongue is pink, and his nose is black. Draw some short light brown lines throughout his body for extra detail. That’s it! You now have a completed drawing of Rigby the raccoon from Cartoon Network’s Regular Show.

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